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Tag: Refugee Crisis

Freedom Party Wins First Round in Austria’s Presidential Elections

  Merkel’s invitation to Muslims to come to Europe without limitation has destroyed the very fabric of Europe. Now, Austria’s Freedom Party, an...

66% Of German People Against Merkel

According to a recent poll, 66% of Germans are now against Merkel. As it now stands, if the election were today, she would find perhaps the lowest number of votes...

Refugees Take Over Paris Metro

Europe is being torn apart from the inside. In Paris, the metro station is turning into a slum and war zone. School gyms in Germany have been turned into dorms for...

The World Economy is Closing In Thanks to Merkel

Sometimes the brain-dead decision of one person can set off a contagion that sweeps the world. Merkel’s open invitation to the Muslim, pretend refugees has...

Cologne Police Ordered to Remove the Word “RAPE” From Reports After New Year’s Eve Attack

The Independent has reported that the police in Cologne, Germany, who were investigating the New Year’s Eve Muslim refugee attack were told to remove the...

Why Europe is Failing: The Difference Between EU & USA

Part of the crisis in the EU is the fact that there is an inherent anti-democratic foundation because Brussels has been attempting to force uniformity upon all...

The Press & Establishment Accuse Farage & Trump of Racism

Those in power who have something to lose always follow the same pattern of attacks. They are using the very same tactics against Trump and Farage of portraying...

Cruz to Introduce Visa Requirement for all Europeans

The ramifications for the refugee crisis in Europe are crossing the “pond” and arriving in the USA. There are mainstream politicians now calling for...

Refugees Attack “60 Minutes” Film Crew in Sweden   This is happening all over Europe. The “refugee” crisis is completely out of control. The...

On Pi Day Hungary PM Said Europe is Dying This came precisely on our target. This past week was the tipping point for Europe. The start of the real decline in the...