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Tag: Religion

Praying to Saints & Gods during a Pandemic

A German cathedral has its collection of remains of St. Corona, the little-known Christian martyr who has been purported to be the patron saint of resisting...

Science v Religion

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have been an avid reader of your blog for over four years after watching The Forecaster on Norwegian TV in the fall of 2015. First,...

Angkor Wat & Its Decline and Fall

QUESTION: Angkor Wat was abandoned and the whole society seems to have vanished. I saw somewhere that this was due to climate change and the drying up of their...

Search for Religion in the 1860s

COMMENT: Concerning the post today of the “Decline and Fall of Religion?” I nearly fell out of my seat when you mentioned 1860 as a cyclic date. You mentioned...

Afterlife & Psychic Powers

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I, like most of your followers, read your findings, with great interest! You are, most definitely, Providing that, which is sorely...

Has the Freedom of Religion been Destroyed in France?

In France, the Catholic Assumption Day, or Assomption in France, is the day in Roman Catholic tradition when Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, was taken bodily up...

Were the Crusades just for Plunder & Money?

QUESTION: Were the Crusades inspired by economics? You mentioned how Venice looted Constantinople. Thank you for making history interesting KR ANSWER: To...

Christian Persecution Celebrated on Roman Coins

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The Romans seem to have issued coins to celebrate everything. Did they ever issue coins celebrating the Christian persecutions? ZR ANSWER:...

Do the Democrats Hold an Anti-Religion Position?

The Podesta emails revealed a real anti-Catholic and anti-Evangelic religious position in the Democratic Party. For the party that was founded by the slave owner...

Is Trump's Ban on Islam a Normal Reaction?

Armstrong Economics/PEI has always been a very diverse company with clients and staff from all around the world. We have every race, religion, and social status...