Tag: Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Run as an Independent – The Death of the Two-Party System?
October 13, 2023
This news was overshadowed by the pandemonium occurring in the Middle East. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he will run as an Independent candidate and is no...
PoliticsThe Real Reason Biden Denied RFK Secret Service Protection
August 1, 2023
Robert F Kennedy Jr. (RFK) knows he is a walking target for exposing nearly every angle of the establishment. Kennedy Jr.’s own father was assassinated in 1968,...
PoliticsOver Half of Democrats Want Biden to Debate RFK
June 29, 2023
The people demand to see a debate between Robert F. Kennedy and Joe Biden. Why should we reappoint someone to the highest political office without hearing their...
PoliticsThe Democrats are Silencing RFK
June 9, 2023
The Democrats are afraid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He is exposing the truth behind their lies, and the powers that be are silencing him. YouTube has begun scrubbing...
Corruption PoliticsA Kennedy to Challenge Biden in 2024
April 7, 2023
Robert F. Kennedy Jr, a moderate by the Democrat’s standards, has filed to run for president against Joe Biden. JFK’s nephew broke party lines when he began to...
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