Tag: Rome WEC
Cycles & Turning Points
May 9, 2019
QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong; Rome was fantastic!. I find it very interesting that you hold the conference on the dates when the markets hit their peak and I come...
Uncategorized World Economic ConferenceDebt & the Point of No Return
April 2, 2019
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First I want to thank you for coming to Europe this year. It has been some time since your Berlin Conference. My question is simple. How...
Economics Sovereign Debt CrisisThe Perfect Financial Storm
March 29, 2019
COMMENT: Martin, Have read the two blogs on the Emerging Markets. Hit like a cold bucket of ice water. Knew something was coming from all your writings and the EMC,...
World Economic ConferenceThe Financial Panic of 2019?
March 28, 2019
The distortion in the yield curve is building with tremendous force. There are vast bids for US 90-day T-Bills from around the world and no offers. The shortage in...
Emerging MarketsThe Fate of Europe – Special Report for Rome WEC
March 15, 2019
As we face a major election this May in Europe, there truly is rising discontent among member states who realize this is just not working. The demands of austerity...
Reports and DVDs World Economic ConferenceDraghi – The Opportunity & the Nightmare
March 14, 2019
I cannot stress enough that Mario Draghi has really destroyed the European economy on an unprecedented scale. I know people who worked on trading desks years...
Central Banks EconomicsWEC in Rome May Be our Last in Europe
March 11, 2019
A number of Americans have asked if they need a visa to visit Rome based upon the rumor that Europe will require visas. No, that begins in 2021. Americans will NO...
World Economic ConferenceOur Traditions are Often those of the Roman Empire
January 29, 2019
QUESTION: Just curious. Did the Romans ever celebrate their founding of Rome like we celebrate the fourth of July? ZT ANSWER: Oh yes. We seem to have adopted...
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