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Tag: Russia-Ukraine War

Defaults & Stupidity

The West has forced Russia into its first foreign debt default since 1918. You really have to wonder exactly how our world leaders rationalize their reasoning....

Kremlin: NATO Preparing for War with Russia

(Footage from Operation Barbarossa, known in Russia as the Great Patriotic War) I have warned that Russia has felt as if it were on the defensive. They feel that...

Putin: They Even Named Inflation After Me

Vladimir Putin is not suffering from sanctions. The West has shot itself in the foot by banning essential Russian imports without an alternative in place. “They...

Pope Francis Believes Russia Was Provoked

Pope Francis has been advocating for peace between Ukraine and Russia. He has condemned Russia’s “brutality” and said he believes Putin miscalculated the...

Russian Oil Boycott Fails

The West thought they’d cripple Russia’s economy when they stopped buying Russian oil. Gas prices in the West are on the rise and at unsustainable levels....

Former Brazilian President Accuses Zelensky of Using War for Fame  

Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who plans to run again in the 2022 Brazilian Presidential Election, believes Zelensky is equally responsible for the...

Is Russia on the Defensive?

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov is warning the US that they have become instigators in the Russia-Ukraine war. “We believe that the U.S. is deliberately pouring...

The Ukrainian Solution: Money, Weapons, and Embargo

The Kremlin has made it known that they will not evacuate troops from Ukraine until their victory is declared. “We are sure that everything will be fine, and...

Securing the Border

Former President Trump requested $5 billion to build the US-Mexico border wall. The amount shocked many who claimed it would be damaging to the economy and a waste...

When Comedy Writes Itself

George W. Bush attempted to condemn Putin’s invasion of Ukraine but had a Freudian slip and revealed his own war crimes. “The result is an absence of...