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Tag: Russia-Ukraine War

Putin v Russian Neocons

COMMENT: It appears your Putin is backing down as reported by Fortune. That must mean that Ukraine is winning! DL REPLY: I have warned that Putin is a reasonable...

Can Cryptocurrencies Survive WWIII?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, You mention that cryptocurrency has been orchestrated to get people accustomed to cryptocurrencies for the end goal of the Great Reset –...

Zelensky Fights Alongside Nazis

A reader sent in this picture that they saw on President Zelensky’s Twitter account before it was deleted. Zelensky posted a proud Ukrainian soldier but...

Nuclear Deterrence

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I work on defense issues for my job, but I am no Neocon. Second Strike works just fine too or more likely “Launch Under Attack”...

Zelensky Looking at the US to Wage Economic War Against Russia

Over the weekend, Volodymyr Zelensky admitted that he is hoping US financial pressure on Russia will end the war. “So far, I think that the United States of...

Putin’s May 9th Speech – The Full Review

  The West keeps getting Putin wrong mainly because they have taken the Blue Pill and just repeat the propaganda put out by primarily the United States...

Is the Pentagon Planning a False Flag to Start WWIII?

As NATO countries continue to finance Ukraine, Putin has reason to worry. Top Russian advisors are now preparing for “a provocation aimed at accusing the Russian...

Propaganda From a Warzone

Politicians are using Ukraine as a photo opportunity. Would the most powerful government officials risk traveling there if Kyiv was under constant attack? Would...

Would Putin Use Nukes?

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrei Kozyrev served under Putin’s predecessor Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s. From his former...

Should Russian Oligarchs Fund Ukraine?

As the war in Ukraine continues, so does the need for funding. Zelensky’s people are now asking for $7 billion in funding per month. The World Bank estimates that...