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Tag: Russia-Ukraine War

Ukraine v Russian Empire

QUESTION: We elected Zelensky who promised to end the civil war. It looks like the West is telling him not to compromise and let the Russian section go. DH (from...

Why Arab Mercenaries Fight for Russia

Yemen is the largest humanitarian crisis that no one discusses. As I mentioned: “People are not driving around with “We Stand With Yemen” bumper stickers, and...

The Coming False Flag – Chemical Weapons?

The greatest fear I have is that Zelensky will be desperate to create a fake attack on his own people like everyone else has done to push their agenda. It would not...

A Very Convenient Coincidence

QUESTION: You noted that the Pentagon rejected Poland sending planes to Ukraine showed they were not behind this drive. Is this just politicians? LW ANSWER: Wars...

Trump v Biden According to Putin

“Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in...

Putin Explains the Importance of the Minsk Agreement to Zelensky (2019)

  Putin was deeply involved in securing the Minsk Agreement long before Zelensky came to power. Although people are calling the current attack on Ukraine...

Boycotting Anything Russian   Stolichnaya vodka plans to rebrand their product to sound less Russian. This comes on the tail of restaurants,...

Who Are the Oligarchs?

(Photo: Former President Obama’s private yacht) The word “oligarch” leads some to believe that these rich individuals are part of a mysterious underground...

The Model on War & Food Shortages

During a war, food production collapses because tanks have a tendency to plow down crops. Here is a food ratio book from World War II in the United States where...

The Coming WWIII

While people rush to kiss the feet of Zelensky, even some Ukrainians are now concerned that he is a puppet dragging their country to destruction all over Donbas. I...