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Tag: Russia-Ukraine War

Russia’s Central Bank Aims to Prevent Bank Runs

(Image of Americans lining up to withdraw cash during the Great Depression) The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is speaking carefully and confidentally to...

Hackers Join the War Russia’s media has promoted the “military action” in Ukraine as a necessary measure in an attempt to mislead the people...

Leaked Media Instructions Show China Is Studying the Russian Invasion

A leaked post on social media provided insight into how China’s Communist Party expects media outlets to cover Russia invading Ukraine. Horizon News, a subgroup...

The People Do Not Want War

Putin wants a war, but the people do not. Russians gathered in over 44 cities to protest the war on Thursday, despite knowing that there would be consequences. The...

Ukraine Arming Citizens

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s president, has acknowledged that his military is not able to ward off Russia’s invasion and is asking citizens to participate in...

Poland Has Opened Borders to Ukrainians Fleeing

The following message has been shared countless times on social media over the last 24 hours: Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being...