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Tag: Russia

North Korea Prepares for World War III

The risk of war with a true madman at the head of North Korea continues to escalate. But is he really mad, or trying to strengthen his position for negotiations...

Russian Sanctions – The Start of World War III?

The Russian sanctions being pushed by Congress demonstrates the most unprofessional comprehension of how to manage an economy I have ever seen. These sanctions are...

Trump Jr & the Russian Meeting

A lot of people have picked up on the mention of the Magnitsky Act is Donald Trump, Jr. statement of a meeting with a Russian woman. Trump Jr., said the meeting...

Putin Meets Trump in Hamburg

The American press wants to paint Russia as evil and they would start a world war 3 just to sell more newspapers. Not ever since the Spanish American War has the...

EU Extends Sanctions Against Russia Killing Their Own Economy

The EU has extended its economic sanctions against Russia for another six months, which really makes no sense. No sanction will cause Putin to abandon a strategic...

“Meddling” in the 2000 Russian Election

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I watched your movie the Forecaster with great interest. I then watched the Showtime interview of Putin by Oliver Stone. It suddenly...

Comey Confirmed No Obstruction of Justice

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your Impeachment Report and it was a real eye opener. I was impressed with your legal expertise. For that reason, the entire Comey...

Hillary Clinton Now Says Trump Aided the Russians

Hillary Clinton is now joining the movement to overthrow Trump claiming, with absolutely no proof, that the misinformation about her was “fake news” spread over...

Trump Admits he Told Russia About Terror Plot on their Airline Flights & Schumer is OK with Innocent People Dying in Terrorist Attacks

Trump has tweeted admitting that he had shared “facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety” with Russian diplomats in an Oval Office...

Trump & Russia – Whole New Political Controversy

Members of President Trump’s administration denied details of a Monday Washington Post report that during a meeting with the Russian foreign minister and...