QUESTION: Controls v Protectionism If capital controls would be such destructive measure, then China already has in place what one would consider Capital Controls...
COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for bringing attention to the geopolitical consequences of the Russia Hoax in your china-backing-russia-in-venezuela...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Standard Chartered has forecast that Russia will overtake Germany as the world’s fifth largest economy, possibly as early as next...
QUESTION: Hello Martin, Hope this finds you well. Long time follower of your site. Though I don’t always agree with your conclusions, I value your site as a...
The US sanctions voted on by Congress against Russia are outrageous and an act of war that history will write as this may have been the line in the sand crossed by...
We have a very serious problem with Congress. Their actions in far too many ways is displaying (1) a total disregard for international law, and (2) a clear...
The risk of war with a true madman at the head of North Korea continues to escalate. But is he really mad, or trying to strengthen his position for negotiations...
The Russian sanctions being pushed by Congress demonstrates the most unprofessional comprehension of how to manage an economy I have ever seen. These sanctions are...
A lot of people have picked up on the mention of the Magnitsky Act is Donald Trump, Jr. statement of a meeting with a Russian woman. Trump Jr., said the meeting...
The American press wants to paint Russia as evil and they would start a world war 3 just to sell more newspapers. Not ever since the Spanish American War has the...