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Tag: Russia

ISIS Threatens Russia

As they lose ground in the Middle East, ISIS is continuing to lash out while expanding their terrorism since they cannot win the war. They have now come out and...

Obama Blames Russia for Exposing DNC & Hillary Fraud – Sorry, Not Likely

Obama has come out and blamed Russia for hacking the DNC. This, of course, is a diversion to create sympathy for Hillary and change the top of fraud, lies, and...

Putin’s Pitch to Host 2020 World Exposition The 2020 World Expo will be hosted by Dubai. This old video shows Putin speaking in English and pitching for Russia to...

Islamic Tensions Continue to Build – Is This Becoming a Religious War?

In Russia, an Islamic nanny beheaded a four-year old child that she was hired to take care of and paraded down the streets of Moscow with the child’s head....

U.S. to Increase Defense Spending by 400% in Eastern Europe

The new budget proposal reveals that the U.S. military plans to quadruple its resources to confront “Russian aggression” and to strengthen its presence...

Russia Sent T-90 Tanks to Syria

Russia has sent its most sophisticated tanks to the front line in Syria. The T-90 tanks are swaddled in explosive armor, causing most weapons used against them to...

NATO Ships Arrive in Turkey

We have been receiving reports from people on the ground in Turkey that NATO ships are now docked there and appear to be enforcing perhaps a blockade or a show of...

ISIS Stage Attacks in Thailand

It has now been reported that 10 ISIS members entered into Thailand last month with the purpose of attacking Russian interests based upon a leaked Thai police...

Putin & Military Establishment

The Obama Administration’s strategy regarding Russia and foreign affairs has been a total disaster. They have remarkably brought back the Cold War and placed the...