Tag: Safe Deposit Boxes
Why I Do Not Trust Safety Deposit Boxes
October 7, 2024
I have said numerous times that your personal belongings are at risk in safety deposit boxes. The Fourth Amendment was intended to protect Americans from illegal...
CorruptionFBI Can Take Everything in a Safe Deposit Box
October 12, 2021
COMMENT: Marty, you really do know what is going on. They raided safe deposit boxes here claiming someone was hiding money. You are right. Do not use safe deposit...
CorruptionA Reader’s Comment on the Problems with Safe-Deposit Boxes
June 16, 2016
COMMENT: I am an attorney in Texas. We have been advising clients NOT to use safe deposit boxes for years. Examples are: We had a client involved in a multiparty...
The Hunt for TaxesGreece Shuts Down Access to Safe Deposit Boxes
July 6, 2015
COMMENT: Hello Martin, A few minutes ago the deputy Minister of Finance Mrs Olga Valavani said safe deposit boxes will be reserved! Bank officials denied this...
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