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Tag: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia to Fund Ukraine?

Зеленський перебуває з неоголошеним візитом у Саудівській Аравії. Поговорив із принцом....

Iran and Saudi Arabia – Mutual Friends

Iran and Saudi Arabia are now mutual friends through China. The two countries had been sworn enemies since the beginning of time, representing conflicting Shiite...

The End of the Petrodollar?

Another oil deal has been initiated without the use of the dollar. The India Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) announced that their latest trade deal with Malaysia...

Peace in the Middle East – China Brokers Saudi Arabia-Iran Peace Treaty

China accomplished a once unthinkable feat — a peace treaty between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The two countries have been sworn enemies since the beginning of...

Washington Downplays Poor Relations with Saudi Arabia

The Davos in the Desert meeting has humiliated Washington. The president himself was unable to secure a deal with Saudi Arabia, and now America’s elite are...

Davos in the Desert

  Some of the biggest players have gathered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the annual Future Investment Initiative (FII). The conference is often referred to as...

Biden Begs OPEC+ to Delay Vote Until After Midterms

Joe Biden is playing dirty before the midterm elections by urging Saudi Arabia to delay the OPEC+ oil vote until December. The Saudis, who unofficially run OPEC+,...

Biden Begs Saudi Arabia for Oil

Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia did not go as planned. Saudi Arabia will temporarily increase oil production in July and August in exchange for a slew of removed...

Macron Tells Biden to Rethink Energy Plans

French President Emmanuel Macron pulled US President Joe Biden aside at the G7 summit to explain a few basic facts. Biden has been demanding Middle Eastern nations...

The World is Laughing at America

Above is a clip from “Studio 22,” a program on the Saudi government-owned television network MBC. The skit portrays US President Biden as mentally incompetent,...