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Tag: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan for Oil

Russia is not the only country turning to the yuan. Beijing is in talks with Saudi Arabia to begin purchasing oil with their own currency opposed to the USD. Saudi...

Saudi Arabia in Search of Cash

QUESTION: I read your blog about the Saudi’s potentially selling a large private equity position from China in Aramco rather than accessing the public...

Apple Added to Terrorist Financier List?

Apple’s Company in Doha, Qatar, has been added to a list of 59 people/institutions that are considered to be funding terrorism (directly/indirectly) by Saudi...

Insurers sue Saudi Arabia for 9/11

Several major insurers have launched a new attempt to sue Saudi Arabia for 6 billion dollars for the September 11, 2001 attacks. One wonders had Hillary been...

Saudi Arabia Banning Short Selling Against the Currency Peg

Saudi Arabia has banned financial products that amount to a short position against the riyal. The measure indicates the high degree of attack that the peg is...

Trouble in Saudi Arabia

Political instability is rising in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi king has fired his longtime Secretary of Energy and the head of the central bank has been replaced. The...

Saudi Arabia on the Ropes?

There is serious trouble brewing in Saudi Arabia. They have been dumping oil and increasing their output by 3.5%. However, the cash is being kept offshore. Rumors...

Saudi Threat to Sell U.S. Assets is No Big Deal

Saudi Arabia has threatened the Obama administration and congressional leaders that it will sell billions of dollars in U.S. financial assets if Congress passes a...

Sunni & Shia Tensions Rise in Middle East

Protesters stormed and ransacked Saudi Arabia’s embassy on Sunday after gathering to denounce the kingdom for executing a prominent Shia cleric. According...

Saudi Arabia Announces Fiscal Deficit of $135 Billion

Yesterday, Saudi Arabia announced that 2015 would produce a budget deficit amounting to $135 billion (367 billion riyals). A royal decree, effective on Tuesday,...