Tag: SEC
Elizabeth Warren Calls for the Dismissal of the Head of SEC Who Refuses to Comply with Law
October 23, 2016
Elizabeth Warren wrote to Obama demanding Mary Jo White, the head of the SEC, be fired. She wrote: “I do not make this request lightly.” Warren has...
Armstrong Trial CorruptionNew SEC Money Market Rule Will Send Cash into Treasuries
August 29, 2016
The new SEC rule on money market funds takes effect October 17, 2016. There is never a crisis that simply passes. Such events always lead to more...
Banking Crisis Sovereign Debt CrisisWhere do US Multi-Nationals Hold Offshore Cash These Days?
July 13, 2016
What are US multi-nationals doing with the $2 trillion they keep offshore? Looking at the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosures shows that Apple,...
The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsConspiracy Theories & Markets: In Search of the Gods of Wall Street?
August 14, 2015
QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong … An associate emailed me and asked me if I knew what PPT was? I told him …. I did not and to elaborate. He emailed me...
America's Economic History Q&AWhat Is Going on in the NY Fed? Will They Break Apart Big Banks?
June 25, 2015
In a speech, the New York Federal Reserve Board President William Dudley addressed the outrageous misconduct that has been going on within the financial industry....
USA Current EventsSo Why Are Bankers Never Personally Criminally Charged?
June 14, 2015
In the latest scandal where five major banks agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges brought by the U.S. Department of Justice for manipulating the foreign...
USA Current EventsJudge Rules Administrative Court System Illegal After 81 Years
June 10, 2015
Well it has been a long time coming, but all along there have been discussions behind closed doors (never in public) that the Administrative Law Courts established...
America's Economic History USA Current EventsJudges and Cops Fail to Prosecute Their Own – Judge Richard Owen is “Above the Law”
April 24, 2015
Judge Richard Owen Appointed to Bench by Richard Nixon Judge Owen – Dementia Police misconduct is everywhere and nobody seems willing to prosecute any...
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