Tag: Shanghai
China’s Extreme Lockdown Measures
May 2, 2022
The Chinese government is taking its zero-COVID, zero-freedom policy to a new extreme. Government workers are now locking people within their homes to prevent them...
ChinaWealthy Flee Shanghai
April 22, 2022
The lockdown in Shanghai has caused immeasurable damage to the people and battered an already stunted global supply chain. The wealthy are now fleeing the city, as...
ChinaThe World’s Busiest Shipping Port is Closed
April 13, 2022
Shanghai went under a full lockdown at the end of March under China’s zero-COVID tolerance policy. When cases allegedly rose, China extended the lockdown...
China World TradePeople Are Starving Under Shanghai’s Lockdown
April 12, 2022
https://rumble.com/embed/vxsuhy/?pub=4 People are starving in Shanghai. The screams heard in the disturbing video above are due to more than mere frustration. China...
China Corruption DiseaseWestern Share Markets Rebound – Decoupling from China
August 25, 2015
The Asian contagion that began in Shanghai has now decoupled, leaving Monday the 24th as the low in Europe; it is expected to be the same in the States. A three-day...
Forecasts Reversals Shanghai CompositeShanghai Share Market Outlook
August 24, 2015
Despite the fact that the rally in Shanghai was by no means a real bull market, regardless of the percentage move back up, keep in mind that what goes up big also...
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