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Tag: silver

Gold & the False Move

QUESTION: Dear Marty, could the current ongoing deleveraging in China cause Gold and Silver to fall beneath 1000$ (Silver under ?) or is this currently no big deal...

Getting the Facts Straight – Are they Just Oblivious to our History?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I was reading one analyst who claims we need a new dollar. He said that in 1832 Gold coins were produced at a face value of $20 each, and...

Silver Coins, Not Bars

  QUESTION: I have purchased over some time 500 silver coins from a coin dealer in my city of Gainesville, Florida.  I don’t know if purchasing...

When Bronze is Worth More than Gold and Silver

An ancient Roman shipwreck has been discovered in the port of ancient Caesarea, located in Israel. The ship was full of bronze statues and coins that were destined...

Metals & Stocks Still Not on the Same Page?

QUESTION: At the WEC you said that as long as the metals and the stock market are still fighting with each other, then the breakout is not quite ready. I assume we...


COMMENT: Marty; Stunning! Silver bounced off your number by 3 cents. It was 30 cents in gold. No wonder the government wanted your code. REPLY: The numbers are the...

Will Gold and Silver Become the Underground Currencies of the Future?

QUESTION: Martin … the reasoning behind goldbugs … advising people to buy gold to thwart the cashless society that govts will soon impose on us all....


QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I read your blog every day. Thank you but i’m having trouble figuring out where to place my money moving forward. Cash, the...

The Postponement – Slingshot Move

QUESTION: Marty, at the Conference you said we could conclude this in the first quarter if we get the alignment. It does not look like we will get the alignment...