Tag: Sixth Amendment
Democrats Praying for a Trump Assassination?
April 26, 2024
COMMENT: I have been a Democrat all my life, and I am 72. I suppose I was a Democrat because my father was. Like you, after watching what they have been...
PoliticsThe Trump Florida Indictment Violates the Constitution
August 15, 2023
QUESTION: What is your legal opinion of former AG Barr and this judge in Florida? Barr seems to trash Trump with every breath he takes, and the media seems to...
Rule of LawThe Bias of an Impartial Jury
June 7, 2020
The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right...
Human Rights Rule of LawThe Corruption in the Department of Justice/Deep State
March 21, 2019
There is no doubt that Mueller used his special prosecutor role to engage in selective prosecution to further the role of the Deep State. Paul Manafort was...
Rule of LawRed Light Traffic Cameras & Money
November 8, 2015
The huge difference between the USA and Europe happens to center on the criminal trial of Sir Walter Raleigh. After the death of Queen Elizabeth on March 23, 1603,...
America's Economic HistoryWhy Jury Decisions Reflect the View of Government
June 11, 2015
The most famous trial where a jury stood up refusing to find the defendant guilty in the face of a corrupt government, was that of William Penn, the founder of...
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