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Tag: social distancing

Fauci “Made Up” COVID Mandates

As the world watches the “land of the free” attempt to imprison a former president, they are also waking up to realization that the pandemic was planned and...

The New Norm – OMG

The Economist just ran a story that summarized the change in work that “people particularly fond of their pyjamas have for decades been arguing that a lot of...

This Virus is Causing Psychological Damage to the General Population

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Yesterday I went to my local golf club to practice. (It should be noted it is an excellent golf course yet public facility and subsidized by that...

The New Norm – Social Distancing Forever

In discussions behind the curtain, it appears that there is also a hidden agenda to embrace Bill Gates’ virus for the purpose of suppressing our freedom. The...

Social Distancing – The Destroyer of Civilization?

Social distancing has been a form of psychological warfare that is as old as strategies for war — divide and conquer. Preventing people from commingling may...