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Tag: Socialism

The Cloward-Piven Strategy

COMMENT: Your reporting on the Red Cross and other organizations that facilitate the mass importation of illegals into America is well done. But its purpose is...

England to Roll Out Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot

England will provide thirty individuals £1,600 per month to study Guaranteed Basic Income, also known as Universal Basic Income (UBI). The pilot program will...

US City to Roll Out Guaranteed Basic Income

The “Rise Up Cambridge: Cash Payments for Families with Kids” will provide low-income households with a monthly check for $500 to test guaranteed basic...

New FHFA Rule- Middle Class to Subsidize High-Risk Borrowers

Biden is ushering in new socialistic policies and there are no checks and balances. I mentioned a few weeks ago how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are changing Loan...

Dimon Suggests PROPERTY CONFISCATION to Combat Climate Change

Democracy is under attack. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon , who has been bought by the World Economic Forum, believes the US government should seize private...

Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Includes Illegal Immigrants

An Illinois county is paying illegal immigrants for making it across the border and winding up in the mess that is the Chicago area. US taxpayers already pay around...

Argentina Raises Interest Rate to 69.5%

Argentina is out of options. I reported on the ongoing widespread protests occurring across the country. The majority of the nation is unemployed, and the currency...

Argentina to Stop Printing Money

Argentina’s government has left its beautiful country in financial ruin. July’s inflation report surpassed 60% with no signs of slowing. The problem with...

Argentina’s Economy Collapses

Argentina’s economy has collapsed. Around 57% of adults in the nation are currently unemployed. The Socialist nation has programs in place to compensate, costing...

The LEFT is Violating the Foundation of Law

  There have been some bad decisions by the Supreme Court, such as Dread Scott and allowing the Japanese imprisonment during WWII. But never in the history of...