COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you!!! for opening our eyes to the scary new world in which we live in. Are there more Socialist/Marxist to other political...
QUESTION: Good day Marty. Thanks for your work and assistance at trying to remain sane during these times. Question; you’ve stated many times that socialism is...
Spain’s new rules when their lockdown ends require masks to be worn at all times, even in 100-degree weather (40+), with the penalty of a 100 euro fine. It is...
COMMENT: In Sweden the schools (1-9 grade) have not been closed for a single day during March-May. High schools and universities have been locked down with digital...
QUESTION: Do these Democrats who are in league with those trying to undermine our economy and future for their personal power have any conscience whatsoever? Do...
QUESTION: You champion companies that then dominate the system which is the foundation of capitalism. Is this not against the people you seem to support? HF ANSWER:...
COMMENT: I think this is being used by socialists to justify complete government control. They criticize Trump saying he did not act soon enough. I just do not...
One of the biggest donors behind the Democrats is Bernard Schwartz who is the CEO of BLS Investments. Schwartz has been trying to plead with Pelosi to support...