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Tag: Socialism

Are Far-Left Democrats Anti-Religion?

QUESTION: Do these Democrats who are in league with those trying to undermine our economy and future for their personal power have any conscience whatsoever? Do...

The Real Definition of Capitalism

QUESTION: You champion companies that then dominate the system which is the foundation of capitalism. Is this not against the people you seem to support? HF ANSWER:...

Socialism & the Coronavirus

COMMENT: I think this is being used by socialists to justify complete government control. They criticize Trump saying he did not act soon enough. I just do not...

Democrats Starting to Split Over Bernie – Is the End of the USA Near?

One of the biggest donors behind the Democrats is Bernard Schwartz who is the CEO of BLS Investments. Schwartz has been trying to plead with Pelosi to support...

International Capital Starting to Fear Bernie Sanders

I have stated before that Marxism/socialism has led to more deaths than all the other justifications for war or killing combined. The Communist movements of Russia,...

The Rise of the Left

QUESTION: Hi Marty I work as a Professor of Surgery and read your blog every day. I’ve worked all over the world and remain intrigued by the changes your model is...

Is Chile a Warning to All Western Societies of What Awaits Our Future?

Chile was believed to be Latin America’s freest, most stable and richest nation. However, it is now in free fall. Public order has collapsed, violence is rampant,...

The Danger of an Idea – Just Change the Label to Environmentalism

COMMENT: The totalitarian need for and use of the new idea. First, after the French Revolution, the idea was Marxism . which led to Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Neocons...

Tax Proposals Rising in California Again

Back in 2008, a California Socialist activist was gathering signatures in an attempt to impose a state wealth tax on the ballot that would have imposed a new 35%...