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Tag: Socialism

British Labour Party – The Greatest Threat to Britain

There is absolutely no question that Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party poses a greater threat to Britain than BREXIT. Corbyn said, “Nurses, teachers, shop...

Wild 9-Year Cycles in Climate Change from Cold to Warm

On September 28, 1924, the New York Times reported that there was evidence that the Arctic had actually been tropical in the past. They reported that there was the...

Why is Socialism Dying?

QUESTION: Martin, You repeatedly say that Socialism is dying. I live in a rural area of Oregon. As a personal observation, what I see around here is that more...

Bernie Doubles Warren’s Wealth Tax to Win Votes

The war on eradicating the rich is fully on. Bernie Sanders realizes that Elizabeth Warren is rising in the polls among liberal Democrats, and Bernie knows how...

Liquidity Crisis

COMMENT: Marty, you have made many unbelievable forecasts in so many markets around the world. But your forecast that we would see a liquidity crisis after Labor...

Bernie Sander Praises Russia as Better than America

AOC: Stop Reproducing – Save the World

Stop Reproducing – Save the World Let’s prevent climate change, a naturally occurring cyclical phenomenon, by not having families. The proposition sounds like a...

Fiat Money & Fairy Tales

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am trying to find any valid information, without success, to whether there is any truth to a coming Global Currency Reset, a gold treaty...

The True Nature of Socialism – Exerting Power

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for everything you do so well. My question to you is, “Do you agree that absolutely anything paid for using...

Kamala Harris – Medicare for All

QUESTION: Marty, what do you make of Harris’s Medicare-for-all plan joining Bernie Sanders? Is this just another way the destroy the society? HY ANSWER: There...