Tag: Soros
G20 Hamburg Protest was Closer to the Start of Civil War
July 9, 2017
There is a rumor going around that the extreme violent protests in Hamburg, which resembled a Civil War, were allegedly funded by Soros. It is just a...
Civil UnrestSoros At it Again – Trying to Overthrow Polish Government?
May 2, 2017
Tokyo March 1999 Institutional Seminar QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I attended your March 1999 conference in Tokyo when I worked for ______ bank. I remember you called...
CorruptionProtests from USA to Russia
March 28, 2017
Civil Unrest is rising around the world. In the USA, demonstrations have been organized to support Donald Trump in a counter-demonstration move against the...
Civil UnrestWhy I Oppose George Soros
December 16, 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B11DueI6rok Soros, I believe, is trying to do the same thing as Karl Marx. He is funding an experiment to alter society into what he...
Corruption PoliticsWikileaks Confirms Hillary is For Sale
July 26, 2016
The WikiLeaks release of the Democratic National Committee’s emails and documents have confirmed what has always been self-evidence to those behind the curtain...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election Politics USA Current EventsSoros Lost Big on the Pound This Time
June 28, 2016
COMMENT: Soros has been long gold and sold all his stocks. He made a fortune. REPLY: No professional trader tells people what he will do in advance. Those...
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