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Tag: Sovereign Debt Crisis

European Debt Crisis Unfolding on Target

The European Central Bank (ECB) has a major crisis beginning. The free markets always win, and the spreads on the interest rates among the member of the EU are...

Black Market & Gold

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, If this “Great Reset” movement pushes gold underground, what would that mean for gold producers? I recall reading on...

The Global Usurpation of Power Underway

COMMENT FROM THE UK: Hi Marty I am sure you, like me, have expected without a doubt a move back into FALL lockdowns. It has been blatantly obvious here in the UK...

The Fed is Trying to Hold up the World

QUESTION: What is you opinion sir on default on the debt when the FED is bailing out the world on it debts as fast as possible, including the 15 central banks with...

What is Different This Time Between 1987 & 2020 – 33 years Later?

QUESTION: Marty, I was there at your 1987 conference on the weekend of the crash. I was amazed, with many others, that you were able to say the futures would drop...

The Big Bang and the Process Unfolding into 2025

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, I am a long time follower and devoted to your blogs. It’s something that goes well with that first cup of coffee in the morning. In...

Debt Crisis & What it Means for the Average Person

QUESTION: Dear Sir, In connection with official and real interest rates: For us, the ordinary people, how can we benefit or lose from this situation? As it seems on...

Why Did the Dollar Rally Only After the 1929 High?

QUESTION: Hello, I am having trouble understanding how capital flows into the US, which helped the Dow double from ’27-29 didn’t move the dollar. Instead, the...

Computer v Influence

QUESTION: Do you think that Cambridge Analytica actually had any influence in creating BREXIT given the controversy that they were hired but then not? Can such...

Big Bang in Full Motion Set to Collide In a Real Mess

COMMENT: Marty, The central banks tell us they will lower interest rates, even into negative territory, in order to stimulate the economy through bank lending. YOU...