Tag: Spain
Spain Introduces 100% Real Estate Tax for Non-EU Residents
January 16, 2025
Governments worldwide are at a loss on how to solve the housing crisis. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of Spain believes placing a 100% tax on properties purchase by...
SPAIN European Union IMF Real EstateSpain’s Climate Minister Caught Faking Bike Transit for Cameras
July 13, 2023
The above video is complete climate propaganda. The climate zealots are laughing at us from their private jets. They swear doomsday is around the corner and the...
Climate CorruptionMoney – Gold – Theories
September 13, 2022
QUESTION: I’m a subscriber and I read you every day. Your weekend article 9/10/22 that a gold standard will not work as gold fluctuates just as Fiat currencies...
America's Economic History Economics GoldEnergy Rationing in Spain
August 9, 2022
Spain is yet another southern European country feeling the brunt of inflation. Spain’s National Statistics Institute (INE) reported that prices rose 10.8% in...
Energy SPAINNew Documentary – The Big Reset – Taking Spain by Storm
March 18, 2021
In Spain, a new documentary has come out exposing the Great Reset. The effort, as Schwab says in the film, is to “accelerate” this change and make the...
Disease Great ResetSpain’s New Rule: Masks & Social Distancing or 100 Euro Fine
June 9, 2020
Spain’s new rules when their lockdown ends require masks to be worn at all times, even in 100-degree weather (40+), with the penalty of a 100 euro fine. It is...
Disease SPAINItaly & Spain Fining People for Breaking Quarantine
March 25, 2020
The Italian government is considering tightening up existing quarantine restrictions as more than 53,000 people in the country have been charged by police in...
Disease Italy SPAINHow 10% of the People Can Make a Difference & Real Estate’s Role
February 20, 2019
QUESTION: Dear Marty, First I would like to thank you for all the help you provide especially for us little guys. I’m from Barcelona, and happily attended the...
Politics Real Estate SPAINSoros Sneaking Around to Meet with the President of Spain off the Official Agenda
July 3, 2018
Sources in Spain have confirmed that the new president, Pedro Sánchez, met with George Soros secretly last Wednesday afternoon in Moncloa. They met around 7 PM for...
Politics SPAINECB Worried Who Will Buy Government Debt if they Stop?
October 18, 2017
According to RELIABLE sources behind the curtain, the crisis in Spain led to a significant amount of selling Spanish debt to the European Central Bank (ECB)...
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