Tag: Statistics Canada
Gun Homicides in Canada – Why Restrictions are NOT the Answer
February 7, 2024
Look at history to see what happens when a nation unarms its citizens. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken a strong stance in favor of disarming Canadians as...
PoliticsHoliday Expenses Rise in Canada
October 10, 2022
Wishing our friends in the north a happy Thanksgiving. Canada’s Thanksgiving is not as widely celebrated as America’s November feast. However, outside Quebec,...
CanadaCanada’s Private Sector on the Decline
September 19, 2022
Canada’s job recovery last year seemed strong according to standard measures. However, it was recently revealed that the majority of jobs were created in the...
CanadaMeat Prices on the Rise
October 22, 2021
(Image from Statistics Canada: Prices for meat products rise year over year in September) Canada’s CPI rose 4.4% YoY this September, according to Statistics...
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