Tag: student loan forgiveness
US Taxpayers Forced to Pay an Additional $559B in Student Loan Forgiveness
May 8, 2024
Short of joining Hamas, there is nothing Joe Biden will not do to secure the Gen Z vote. The latest plan will “forgive” $7.4 billion worth of student loans,...
PoliticsPoliticians With Student Loans Push for Cancelation
August 29, 2023
Politicians will always vote in favor of their self-interests. The invisible hand is fully visible here. The Supreme Court reminded Biden that he could not bribe...
USA Current EventsStudent Loan Forgiveness Promise Backfires
June 21, 2023
The student loan forgiveness plan backfired plain and simple. Payments were frozen three years ago in March 2020 under the CARES Act when countless people were out...
EducationBiden Vetos Plan to Scrap Student Debt Redistribution
June 12, 2023
Canceling student loan debt was a lofty promise Biden made during his presidential bid. Three years later, he has made no progress. This was one of those...
PoliticsCBO: Student Loan Forgiveness will Cost $400B Over Next 30 Years
September 30, 2022
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is a nonpartisan agency that simply calculates the numbers. The Biden Administration is constantly at odds with the CBO as...
PoliticsKamala Harris Fails to Explain Who Will Pay Off Student Debt
August 31, 2022
I reported that the taxpayers would be footing the bill for student loan cancellation. A study by Penn Wharton School estimated that taxpayers would each need to...
PoliticsBiden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Bribe
August 26, 2022
While many are praising Biden for maintaining his campaign promise to cancel student debt, others are furious that the costs will be passed on to the taxpayers....
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