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Tag: tariffs

Trump: Secure the Borders or Pay Tariffs

Donald Trump wants to ensure that America’s neighbors to the north and south help him fight the migrant crisis, announcing that he will punish both Canada and...

Consumers Pay Tariffs

Donald Trump believes tariffs could offset taxes, but tariffs will be a tax in itself to the American consumer. Trump is proposing to raise taxes from 60% to 100%...

US Implements High Tariffs on Chinese Goods

Worsening relations with China, the United States just hit China with a new wave of extremely high tariffs. Around $18 billion worth of Chinese goods will be...

Is it Our Time to Rock & Roll?

QUESTION: Marty, Sometime you compare today’s financial markets and economy to what was going on in the mid to late 1920s . Woodrow Wilson is even referenced...

Is Trump Trying to Prevent China’s Rise with Tariffs?

QUESTION: Martin, You said that China will become the financial capital of the world by 2032. Why do you think that what Trump is doing to China with tariffs and...

Trade War with China

QUESTION: What is your “opinion” on the Trump tariffs dispute with China? ANSWER: Years ago, an old friend from high school was in the...

The Real Crisis Trump Will Face With Trade

The entire problem with trade and jobs has been its focus on only the job and not the consumer. David Ricardo developed his principle that nations should pursue...