Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has called property taxes “the more oppressive and ineffective form of taxation” and is looking at ways of reducing or...
Revolutions have begun over less. UK lawmakers plan to raise taxes on over four million households to cover a portion of their fiscal mismanagement. Homeowners may...
Washington state Democrats accidentally leaked a document entitled “2025 Revenue Options” describing how they plan to hunt down citizens for additional...
I reported how the US deficit reached the third-highest on record after surpassing $1.83 trillion. Instead of questioning why the deficit rose 8% in a single year,...
The Democrats support always raising taxes that amount to robbing people with laws. They NEVER learn that Marxism has failed EVERY single time it has been tried....
America is experiencing a 13-year high in corporate bankruptcies, with more companies going under than during the lockdown era of the pandemic. Companies are...
Low-income Americans are in such dire straits due to the elevated cost of living that lawmakers are making changes to the tax code. No, naturally, the politicians...
The people always lose in times of war. Vladimir Putin is looking to the Russian civilians to help fund the war that has lasted far longer than anticipated, thanks...
The government believes it has unlimited power to tax the citizens of the United States. The idea of capital gains taxes on unrealized earnings will be an economic...
Washington’s reckless spending comes with a cost to US taxpayers. While the fed may simply roll over their debt and issue new debt to pay off the old, the...