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Tag: Taxes

Trudeau Considers Additional Housing Tax

Inefficient politicians consistently cite additional taxation as the solution to their nation’s economic troubles. The housing crisis in Canada is has spread to...

US Taxpayers Hit With Record Penalties in FY23

The government has become desperate for funding, seeking out money from their own citizens through taxation. Not only have they raised taxes for every bracket, but...

Credit Card Delinquencies Spike Among the “Rich”

  Inflation can be felt at every tax bracket. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari came out this week and said the public “viscerally...

Don’t Come to Norway – Taxing Our Way into 2032

In 2021, the Extreme Left Labour Government seized power in Norway, overthrowing the eight years of Conservative rule. Labour won 48 of the 169 parliamentary seats,...

INSANE New Tax Proposal – Stealing from Citizens Legally

Success is a punishable offense in Biden’s America. Joe Biden and his administration would like to implement a 44.6% tax on capital gains, the highest tax on...

Study: 25% of Gen Z Needs Therapy After Filing Taxes

Welcome to the real world, kids! A recent poll by Cash App Taxes have found 1 in 4 Gen X Americans (born between 1997 and 2012) believe they need therapy after...

The Second Motive of the Migrant Crisis Revealed

I revealed how Democrats planned the deliberate invasion of America to secure votes for socialistic policies. There is a second motive that is not largely...

IRS Told to Prepare to Shoot US Citizens

BREAKING: IRS official Alex Mena who works in “Criminal Investigations” says @IRSNews, ‘has no problem going after the small people, putting people in prison,...

70% of American Cities in Debt – Pension Crisis will Cause Taxes to RISE

A study by Truth in Accounting (TIA) revealed that 70% of America’s largest cities fell into a deficit in fiscal year 2022. Out of the 75 cities studied, 53...

Migrants in Massachusetts Eat Better Than US Citizens

"Thank you for supporting us" says a group of migrants when I asked if they had a message for President Biden. The group said they were from Honduras and...