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Tag: Taxes

US Teens Learn About Taxes

  A new trend is circulating on the internet, where parents in the US film their teenagers’ reactions to filing taxes for the first time. The US...

Congestion Taxes Coming to NYC

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) believes that taxation could decrease traffic congestion in New York. Vehicles will be charged an additional $15...

WHO Proposes Global Tax Increase on Unhealthy Beverages

Permitting health agencies to dictate what we can and cannot do is a slippery slope. These health agencies, such as the World Health Organization, work on behalf of...

IRS Pauses $600+ Transaction Audits

Within the American Rescue Plan was a piece of legislation requiring Americans to report any transactions they made over $600. The most recent budget negotiation...

State Wealth Migration

In 2019, New York hosted 72 billionaires. That figure has declined to 62 in 2023, with smart money fleeing the state due to high taxes and crime. The state of New...

The IRS and Another Multi-Billion-Dollar Mistake

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continually makes multi-billion-dollar mistakes. The agency “accidentally” sent $1.1 billion in advanced child tax credits to...

The IRS Targets the Poorest Americans

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) claims that they will not target lower and middle-class Americans under their staff expansion. This is a lie a they already...

IRS Staff and Audits Will Multiply

The Inflation Reduction Act will waste $430 billion and will do absolutely nothing to curb inflation. Around $300 billion will be spent on climate change...

City of Detroit Displaces 100,000 Residents After Tax Error

Government incompetence caused 100,000 people in the city of Detroit to lose their homes. The city recently admitted that it overtaxed homes by over $600 million...

IRS: Expect Tax Delays This Year

The Treasury Department has warned that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may face “enormous challenges” processing returns this year. The IRS usually...