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Tag: Terrorism

Iran Offers Free Tuition to US Students

Tehran University Professor Foad Izadi: We Like What We Are Seeing on U.S. College Campuses; These Are Our People, They Will Support Iran in Case of Confrontation...

Civil Unrest Across US Universities – Staged Actors

  Staged actors have been embedded in US universities to promote the pro-Palestinian, anti-US sentiments. Professional agitators have been utilized countless...

Russia Begins Mass Deportations After Terrorist Attack

Russia is not taking any chances after the senseless terrorist attack that claimed 144 lives. The four men arrested for the attack were from Tajikistan, and ISIS is...

Russia says US, Britain & Ukraine were behind the Terrorist Attack

Russia has come out and bluntly stated that “The United States, Britain and Ukraine are behind the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall, the chief of...

Terrorists Mock America While Crossing the Border

A migrant who illegally crossed into the United States threatened me, saying "You find out who I am very soon," simply because I asked him where he was...

Palestinian Authority Blames Israel for Hamas Attack

The Palestinian Authority is a puppet government run by Hamas, which is run by its funders. The Palestinian Authority is now denying that Hamas was responsible for...

Osama Bin Laden’s Letter to America (full text)

Osama Bin Laden’s Letter to America has become an international internet viral sensation that is quickly being scrubbed from the internet. In the interest of...

Nordic Countries Promise Mass Deportations

Religious zealots have come out in full force in recent weeks. European nations are now realizing that they made a grave mistake by opening their doors to countless...

Privileged Ivy League Students in US Support Terrorism

Hamas is a terrorist organization. That is not a conspiracy theory and they are not misunderstood. Colleges across the US have erupted in pro-terrorism chaos. Now...

Christians are on the FBI Watchlist

America was once a Christian nation with shared values, morals, and traditions. The government has done everything possible to remove any mention of God, as there...