Tag: Tesla
Violence Against Tesla Owners is Outrageous
March 21, 2025
The radical left is extremely dangerous when angered. The intense hatred of Elon Musk has caused a worldwide pandemonium where misplaced raged is directed at Tesla...
PoliticsSmart Cars Reporting to Govt – Insurance Rates up 26% YoY
March 18, 2024
Car insurance rates in the US have spiked by around 26% overall in the past year. The government has been pushing for everyone to go electric and trade, spending...
Inflation CorruptionMusk v Gates
April 26, 2022
Elon Musk destroyed Bill Gates over the weekend after texts between the two were leaked to the press. This may be the first time someone has put Bill Gates in his...
HumorBusinesses Relocating to Texas Every Five Days
December 8, 2021
Companies are rapidly fleeing to Texas. Governor Greg Abbott has stated that Texas will soon become “the home of semiconductor manufacturing.” He would like to...
North AmericaTesla & Frequency
December 12, 2017
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Nickolas Tesla’s work agrees with your analysis. He said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of...
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