Tag: Thatcher
What Reagan Would NOT Do
March 17, 2023
America should violate international law to begin World War III, or as Senator Lindsey Graham worded it: “We should hold accountable and say that if you ever get...
Politics WarBritish Politics – Johnson Resigns Taking the Pound With Him
July 7, 2022
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You rather bluntly rejected meeting with our PM. It looks like you were correct. Will we now turn to Labour to kill the British pound? HJ...
BRITAIN Politics PoundWe are All Connected & for an End Game Purpose
January 27, 2019
COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I’m reading your blog for 10 years, every single day, first thing in the morning. It changed me and my views on events in...
OpinionThatcher’s Bruges Speech Should be Played on National TV
May 15, 2016
Margaret Thatcher’s historic speech known as the “The Bruges Speech” was delivered on September 20, 1988. Thatcher’s speech rejected the political...
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