Tag: the European Union
Schulz Warning if Italy is Not Given Aid by the EU The Refugee Crisis Will Explode Again
July 25, 2017
SPD chancellor candidate Martin Schulz has come out and warned that if Italy is not given support, then it will send the refugees to Germany which it can no longer...
RefugeesGerman Secretary Economics Warns Low Interest Rates Have Failed
July 10, 2017
The German Secretary General of the Economic Council of the CDU, Wolfgang Steiger, has highlighted the growing economic crisis in Europe. The negative interest...
Banking Crisis European UnionEU Commission & Parliament Clash of Words
July 7, 2017
Ministers elected to the European Parliament have no actual power. They get paid extra if they actually show up. What you see are MPs swiping their cards to get...
European UnionEU Extends Sanctions Against Russia Killing Their Own Economy
June 27, 2017
The EU has extended its economic sanctions against Russia for another six months, which really makes no sense. No sanction will cause Putin to abandon a strategic...
European Union RussiaEU Wants to Order All Euro Trading Moved from London to Paris
June 15, 2017
The European Union is preparing the legal basis to take over London’s extensive trading business with euro derivatives. This is just another complete failure...
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