Tag: The Great Reset
Redesigning the World – The Great Reset
July 15, 2020
COMMENT: Melbourne is getting locked down again. 5 million people on lockdown for 6 weeks at least! People will only be allowed to leave home to go to work (if...
Climate ConspiracyThe Great Reset
July 7, 2020
The Great Reset may go down as the most important book, perhaps with hindsight. I will be adding to it over the next month with a section reviewing the demise of...
Reports and DVDsCentral Banks & the Hidden Agenda to Control Society
July 3, 2020
We just released this report which includes, as part of the Great Reset, the push to eliminate paper money to move toward a digital currency world where they can...
CryptocurrencyThe Great Reset – The Final Battle Against Marxists
June 18, 2020
The rising civil unrest is starting to take notice of Bill Gates and his consortium hell-bent on changing the world economy. They have used the coronavirus as a...
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