Tag: Toronto
Toronto Police Suggests Permitting Auto Theft to Prevent Home Invasions
March 18, 2024
Thieves have been knocking down doors in Toronto neighborhoods. The government is not permitting the police to curtail crime and has sided with the criminals over...
CanadaGrooming Legal in Canada
July 13, 2023
(Warning: disturbing video) @tylerolivieroyoutubeclip @Tyler Oliveira Youtube: Tyler Oliveira Do you think it is appropriate for children?? #fypシ #tyler...
WOKEToronto Bans Holy Communion in Churches – Is History Repeating?
July 17, 2020
There we go again… Toronto banned (Catholic and Orthodox) churches from giving Holy Communion. Not long ago, all churches were forced to close for more than...
Canada ReligionAnimal Rights Activists Yell About “Insulting” to Cows
July 16, 2017
It is one thing to defend animals against physical abuse be it dogs, cats, or even cows. By the activist Len Goldberg targeting Toronto’s island...
UncategorizedCanada Finds Policeman James Forcillo Guilty of Attempted Murder
February 2, 2016
When a jury gets the chance to try a policeman, we see results. This is indicative of the coming collapse of government on the other side of 2015.75. The police...
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