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Tag: transactional banking

The President Overtaking the Federal Reserve – BAD IDEA

I do not agree with Donald Trump’s view of the Federal Reserve. I speak on behalf of sound economic policies that benefit the people. I do not blindly support a...

World Economy Melting Down

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have indeed sparked my curiosity. With both the velocity of money and the trading volume declining since 1998, this seems to be a very...

Fractional Banking: Propaganda to Hide Manipulation & Trading?

COMMENT: Armstrong, I have to admit that you are right and I was wrong on fractional reserve banking. Due to the ongoing conflict in what I wanted to believe and...

“Men Willingly Believe What They Wish to Believe” – Julius Caesar

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.” “Men willingly believe what they wish to believe.” Conspiracy theories have been going on...

So Why Are Bankers Never Personally Criminally Charged?

In the latest scandal where five major banks agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges brought by the U.S. Department of Justice for manipulating the foreign...

Fractional v Transactional Banking

It is amazing how some people still do not understand. Some of the nasty comments we receive typically talk about gold, arguing that gold is money – nothing else...

Four Banks Plead Criminally Guilty to Currency Manipulation

Back in 1999, I stood up in court and objected Alan Cohen’s demands for my lawyers to turn over tapes of conversations I recorded to protect me as a journalist...

Hillary – The Corruption Never Ends

More and more details keep surfacing about the corruption of the Clintons. The biggest contributors to Hillary are Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Citibank. After...

Comment From a Banker in Asia

COMMENT: The distinction between relationship and transactional is so compelling and explains my own puzzlement in dealing with ‘relationship’...

Australian Banks Win Behind the Curtain?

The Australian government is extremely left wing, even among the Conservatives. Nevertheless, the Australian budget for 2015 has been leaking out little by...