Tag: Travel
Tracking Everyone: Hunting for Money on Trains and in the Air
August 12, 2016
We have certainly embarked down the road of a police state. Federal agencies are tracking people who travel on trains and in the air. If someone buys a ticket for...
The Hunt for TaxesThey Are Tracking Duty-Free Purchases in Airports
July 25, 2016
Have you ever wondered why you have to show your boarding pass to purchase something in the duty-free shops, after passing security, when in fact nobody can be...
The Hunt for TaxesChristine Lagarde Could Be Charged With Money Laundering?
June 9, 2015
Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, could be charged with money laundering as she transported more than $10,000 worth of goods without declaring them. Lagarde...
Western EuropeCanada to Fingerprint Foreign Travelers
June 8, 2015
Canada will collect finger prints and digital photos from all foreigners traveling on a visa under a new security measure being introduced. The measure, which...
World EventsNSA Staff Calling in Fake Bomb Threats to Get Refunded?
June 4, 2015
There have been multiple bomb threats called in against U.S. aircrafts, curiously timed in a possible attempt to support refunding the NSA. The threats, five in...
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