Tag: Truckers
America Needs Truckers
August 9, 2024
America has lost 1,544,700 trucking jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis. There are 30,000 less truckers on the road now compared to July 2023. Demand has not waned...
USA Current EventsThe Supply Chain Crisis Will Worsen
April 14, 2022
The supply chain issues across the world are continually worsening due to government mismanagement. It seems as if there are sinister intentions at play, as these...
Climate World TradeThe People’s Convoy
March 1, 2022
As the world looks to the tyranny occurring in Europe, a group of protestors has formed to amass The People’s Convoy, inspired by The Freedom Convoy in Canada....
Disease North America Tyranny VaccineAmerican Trucking Association Expects Trucker Shortage to Continue
February 22, 2022
There was a trucker shortage before coronavirus hit. The American Trucking Association (ATA) estimates that the US is still short of 80,000 drivers, and that number...
North AmericaDestroying the Supply Chain One Mandate at a Time
January 19, 2022
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) initially announced that it was eliminating vaccine requirements for truck drivers amid a severe supply and labor shortage....
World TradeAnother Domino Falls – Canada Eliminates Trucker Vaccine Mandate
January 18, 2022
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced that unvaccinated truckers are allowed to cross the United States border. Trucking lobbyists had put heavy...
Canada World TradeAustralia Faces Food Shortages
January 10, 2022
The coronavirus and supply shortages have indeed shown us that truckers are essential workers. Unfortunately, around half of employed truckers in Australia have...
Australia & OceaniaTruckers Wanted
October 28, 2021
It seems that the state of Florida is doing more to address the supply chain crisis than the entire Biden Administration. The American Trucking Association reported...
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