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Tag: Trump inditement

Could Trump Run for President if Imprisoned?

In 1920 the world watched as candidates Eugene and Debs fought for the title of President of the United States. Eugene Victor Debs of the Socialist Party was found...

Trump’s Notoriety Turns into Popularity

Donald Trump’s notoriety is turning into increased popularity as he has become a martyr of the corrupt political system. He is receiving around-the-clock news...

The Trump Florida Indictment Violates the Constitution

QUESTION: What is your legal opinion of former AG Barr and this judge in Florida? Barr seems to trash Trump with every breath he takes, and the media seems to...

The Most Chilling Quote In American History?

CNN is simply a propaganda tool of the deep state. They ignore all the facts and feed the people a 24/7 news loop of lies. A reporter recently said that Trump’s...

Bragg Sued for Election Interference

It is clear to everyone that Alvin Bragg is going after Donald Trump to prevent him from running in the 2024 Presidential Election. The Manhattan DA, who campaigned...

Alvin Bragg Video Resurfaces

The video above is from two years ago. Alvin Bragg admitted that he helped “sue the Trump administration over 100 times.” Bragg says “rich old...

Stormy Daniels Forced to Pay Trump’s Legal Fees

Stormy Daniels, the ill-advised Jezebel, has been ordered by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to pay Donald Trump’s legal fees. Daniels would not have chosen a...

Indictment Backlash

Trump said from the beginning that his arrest would blow up in Biden’s face. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would not honor any request to extradite the former...