Tag: U.S. Law
Manspreading Now a Criminal Offense in NYC
June 13, 2015
Two men have already been arrested in NYC for the newest crime of all – “Manspreading”. “New York, New York” – it sounds so nice in a...
USA Current EventsCops Shutdown Girl’s Lemonade Stand for No Permit
June 12, 2015
The Texas sisters Andria, 8, and Zoey Green, 7, wanted to raise about $100 to take their dad to Splash Kingdom as a Father’s Day present, so they set up a...
The Hunt for TaxesThe Constitution – A Lawyer’s Perspective
June 11, 2015
COMMENT: Martin, Excellent, refreshing review of the enactment and enforcement of legislation under the Constitution; your blog entry should be taught in grammar...
America's Economic HistoryFIFA & U.S. Law
June 1, 2015
The greatest exports of the United States have been McDonalds, blue jeans, rock ‘n’ roll, and of course laws that they stretch to worldwide jurisdiction. All...
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