Tag: UAE
Macron Tells Biden to Rethink Energy Plans
June 30, 2022
French President Emmanuel Macron pulled US President Joe Biden aside at the G7 summit to explain a few basic facts. Biden has been demanding Middle Eastern nations...
EnergyUAE to Introduce Corporate Taxes
February 1, 2022
Tax havens are in short supply. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently announced that it will implement a new federal corporate tax on business profits. Part of...
The Hunt for TaxesMiddle East Chaos
July 23, 2019
The Middle East has been in turmoil and Trump has stood his ground against the neo-cons. The UAE is trying to avoid involving its nation in the conflict with Iran...
Middle EastUnited Arab Emirates to Introduce 5% VAT Thanks to IMF
February 26, 2016
The impact of the collapse in oil is having dramatic effects on taxation in the Middle East and suddenly on the issue of government debt. The UAE will implement a...
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