Tag: Ukraine-Russia War
Does Trump Want to Damage Ukraine?
March 1, 2024
The media is very calculated with how it spins stories to shape the public perception. Donald Trump has said that his first piece of legislation, if elected, would...
WarYellen Aims to Send Frozen Russian Assets to Ukraine
February 28, 2024
Russian assets frozen by the West have been sitting idle for three years. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is urging the G20 to liquidate nearly $300 billion in...
WarMore Funds Go Missing in Ukraine
January 30, 2024
Ukraine hosts one of the most corrupt governments in the world. The West and NATO have provided Ukraine with billions in funding but have been unable to track where...
Corruption WarIMF Gives Ukraine $900 Million – International Donor Fatigue
December 13, 2023
The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) executive board has approved a $900 million disbursement for Ukraine from its $15.6 billion loan program. This...
WarSenate Blocks Foreign Border Spending Package
December 8, 2023
The Senate has prevented the US government from sending billions to aid foreign wars in a 49-51 vote. Republicans demanded that protections for the US border be...
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