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Tag: Ukraine

Biden Becomes a Not So Moving Target

I previously reported that the Ukrainian prosecutor who Biden demanded be fired, filed a suit against Biden’s improper use of power that cost him his job in...

Ukrainian Prosecutor Files Against Biden For Abuse of Power

  Well, things have gotten even more dramatic. It has been confirmed as reported in Les Crises that former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin has filed...

Ukraine & the Obama/Biden Grip on Corruption that Was a Silent Counter-Revolution

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong, I so much appreciate your lifetime of work and dedication to the Truth. I really appreciate so much your history lessons and deep...

SEC Routinely Prosecutes Family Favors in Business Dealings

  A treaty was signed between Ukraine and the USA which plainly states that Ukraine will assist in any investigation that may lead to criminal activity. There...

Did the CIA Orchestrate the Ukrainian Revolution?

The attribution to the CIA orchestrating the Ukrainian Revolution against Yanukovich is total BS!!!!!!!!! I had personal friends on the barricades at Maidan when...

Hillary’s Corruption Knows No End

The revelations about Hillary are never ending. Even Donald Trump who admits buying politicians donated $100,000 to Hillary’s Foundation back in 2009. While...

Ukrainian Tatar Wins EuroVision Song Contest

  Jamala is a Ukrainian singer, composer and actress whose ethnic background is a Tatar. In this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, Jamala performed her own...

Putin’s Pitch to Host 2020 World Exposition The 2020 World Expo will be hosted by Dubai. This old video shows Putin speaking in English and pitching for Russia to...

They Had No Answers at Davos

COMMENT:  Hi Marty, Found this on Reuters website in an article entitled ‘Desperate in Davos: policymakers struggle for answers’....

EU May Drop Visa Requirement for Ukraine

The ongoing dramatic events in Ukraine have demonstrated, once again, the high commitment of Maidan protesters and the citizens of Ukraine to become more closely...