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Tag: unemployment

Bureau of Labor Statistics Fabricated One-Third of Newly Created Jobs in 2023

The US government consistently lies on their jobs reports released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The agency initially cheered at the 3,140,000 new...

US Voters Want Economic Growth over Equality

Inflation has hurt everyone. It is no surprise that a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports indicates that US voters are now prioritizing economic growth of equality....

Youth Unemployment in China

Chinese youth are struggling to find jobs in urban areas. Unemployment for the 16-to-24 demographic reached a new high in April at 20.4%. Youth unemployment has...

Earn Six Figures Without Working

  The US government has been on a spending spree over the past few years and there is absolutely no way they can ever pay the bill. Federal spending hit $4.45...

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like a Recession – Supply Chain Issues Before Christmas

Retail relies on the holiday season for the bulk of its revenue. In fact, a quarter of all retail spending in the US occurs in the last two months of the year....

Unemployment Growing Among Chinese Youth

Unemployment among the youth (16-24) in China has reached a record high of 18.4%. Unemployment is drastically more prevalent in this demographic compared to the...

Unemployment Expected to Rise

Jerome Powell recently admitted that combating inflation will lead to rising unemployment. Powell admitted that to establish price stability, the labor market will...

The Fed v Congress

Powell addressed Congress on Wednesday to curb inflation fears. The Fed is stuck between a rock and hard place right now as some must lose in order for the...

The Fed Has Spoken

The Federal Open Market Committee plans to taper its asset purchasing program by $30 billion per month. Starting in January, the central bank will begin buying $60...

Florida Accounted for One-Third of US Job Growth During Q3

Florida is leading the nation in job growth due to eased tax laws and COVID restrictions. Florida alone added 579,000 jobs during 2021, representing a 5.8% uptick...