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Tag: Ursula von der Leyen

The World of Autocrats

Biden had the audacity to call Vladimir Putin an “autocrat.” Autocratic governments are often called dictatorships or sometimes autocracies. This is the...

EU to Surrender Russian Assets to Ukraine

The United States discussed plans to provide Ukraine with a loan paid out with Russian assets that have been frozen since the start of the war. The bulk of frozen...

Let’s Not Dance to Their Tunes – Orban Exposes Globalists Grip on EU

(image from Reuters/Bernadett Szabo) Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary wants the people to know that the European Union is controlled by the globalists. His...

It’s Only a War Crime When Russia Does It

The people stuck in Gaza will suffer. Israel and Hamas are using the Palestinian people as bargaining chips. Energy Minister Israel Katz said that there will be no...

The European Commission is just an Undemocratic Echo Chamber

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Rome was my first WEC. It was truly an eye-opening event. Nigel Farage was correct – you are the alternative to Davos. I wanted to say...