Tag: US border crisis
The US Border SLOWLY Becoming a Bipartisan Issue
March 14, 2024
The US border crisis is slowly, very slowly, becoming a bipartisan issue for the government. Blue cities and states have pleaded for help in recent months as crime...
PoliticsThe Northern Border has been Breached
September 13, 2023
The focus has been on the mass influx of illegals from the open southern border. However, migrants have also found their way into the US by crossing the northern...
International NewsChinese Illegals Entering America Surge over 900%
May 26, 2023
The US government is responsible for opening the border and allowing a full-scale invasion. They announced the end of Title 42, unlike other measures they keep...
WarBaby Formula Available for Illegal Immigrants
May 20, 2022
The baby formula shortage has reached a critical level in America. Stores are rationing purchases if they even have the product in stock. Republican Rep Kat Cammack...
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