Tag: US-Canada relations
Over a Quarter of Canadians See US as an Enemy
February 21, 2025
The once strong alliance between Canada and the United States has come to an abrupt halt. More so than tariffs, Canadians were offended when President Donald Trump...
Canada PoliticsCanadian Tariffs Delayed – WHY?
February 5, 2025
Canada has followed Mexico in a recent move to expand border security to temporarily delay tariffs. Justin Trudeau announced that $1.3 billion will go into a border...
CanadaCould the US Drop Canada as a Trade Partner? Trump Threatens FREE Trade
January 24, 2025
Donald Trump is prepared to drop Canada as a trade partner based on his recent comments in Davos at the World Economic Forum. “We don’t need them to make our...
World TradeTrump Trolls Trudeau – Bank of Canada Takes Note
December 12, 2024
US-Canada relations under the Trump Administration are beginning on tumultuous footing. Trump has promised to slap Canada with 25% tariffs on ALL imports if it...
World Trade CanadaTrump: Secure the Borders or Pay Tariffs
November 27, 2024
Donald Trump wants to ensure that America’s neighbors to the north and south help him fight the migrant crisis, announcing that he will punish both Canada and...
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