Tag: US Congress
Why Congress has a 7% Approval Rating – Corruption
April 28, 2024
Ron Paul Trashes Speaker Mike Johnson in Stunning New Monologue “Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is reported to have bragged to his colleagues about how...
CorruptionUS Govt Shutdown Over Ukraine?
September 22, 2023
It happens every year – the US Congress cannot disagree so they may simply shut down. They’re our public servants but we permit them to throw their hands up and...
PoliticsThe Oldest Congress in US History
June 13, 2022
The 117th Congress is the oldest in American history. Former President Trump attempted to enact term limits. However, he failed to gain the two-thirds majority in...
PoliticsAnyone Can Run for Speaker of the House in Congress
July 21, 2021
Most people do not know, but the Speaker of the House is just another political job that is subject to the vote of the members of Congress. A Democrat has...
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