Tag: US-Russia Relations
Does Russia Want Alaska Back?
January 23, 2024
President Vladimir Putin signed a new decree that will enable Russia to search, register, and provide legal protection to Russian assets and land abroad, including...
WarDOJ Admits Laptop From Hell was NOT a Conspiracy
January 19, 2024
The Department of Justice finally acknowledged that the Laptop From Hell did indeed belong to Hunter Biden. Apple provided the DOJ with information from the laptop...
PoliticsRussian Textbooks Revised: US Rigged 2020 Presidential Election
January 2, 2024
Russian schools are teaching the youth that America rigged its own election in 2020. Students in the 11th grade have posted excerpts from their revised textbooks to...
Corruption PoliticsPutin Won’t Recognize Biden as President of the United States
May 19, 2021
President Vladimir Putin is refusing to recognize Joe Biden as the president-elect of the United States. The Kremlin announced that they would continue to refuse to...
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